MONDAY, 14 October 2019
Day 1: Active and Passive Learning Events
0745 ~ 0805
NCRM NICHE 2019 Registration
0806 ~ 0815
Welcome and Introductory remarks
0816 ~ 1005
Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ) Pre-final round
- (Selection of Finalists from FCQ Elite Bright, Superior and Ultimate in successive order)
1006 ~ 1035
TEA/COFFEE and Networking
1036 ~ 1135
Plenary Lecture - I
Dr. Koji Eto
Professor, Department of Regenerative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine Chiba University, Chiba; Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Professor, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University.
Title: Platelets using iPS cell technology; large scale manufacturing
1136 ~ 1240
1241 ~ 1450
Finals of the Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ)
1451 ~ 1520
TEA/COFFEE and Networking
1521 ~ 1620
Plenary Lecture - II
Dr. Maria Cristina Nostro
Scientist, McEwen Stem Cell Institute and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto.
Title: Modelling human beta cell development with pluripotent stem cells
1621 ~ 1720
Just Beyond Medicine (JBM) II Oration
Sponsored by JBM Inc., Japan
Prof. Jurgen Hescheler
Head, Neurophysiology, Univ. of Cologne, Germany
Title: Stem cells for regenerative medicine and anti-aging
1721 ~ 1800
Plenary Lecture - III

Prof. Gary Levy
Professor, Founding Chair, CIHR, Univ. of Toronto, Canada; Founder, TPRM, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Use of Autologous Bone Marrow Derived
Stem Cells for Tolerance Induction in
Allo and Autoimmune disease
1801 ~ 1815
Videocast of Edogawa NICHE Prize 2019
Acceptance speech of Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg
Edogawa NICHE 2019 Prize ceremony will be held in University of Toronto.
Joyce & James Till TRAVEL Grant 2019 recipient's Speech
The Joyce & James Till Grant recipient will share his/her experience with the FCQ Elites
1830 ~ 2000
Networking Reception and Dinner
TUESDAY, 15 October 2019
Day 2: Active Learning Delegates - Exclusive Program
0800 - 1100
Visit to Institutes in Tokyo, Japan in groups
1101 ~ 1300
Transporation to Shibaura Institute and Lunch will be served in the Shibaura Institute of Technology Cafetaria.
1301 ~ 1500
1830 ~ 2100
Edogawa Niche Prize, Joyce & James Till Travel Grant Award & FCQ Award Ceremony
WEDNESDAY, 16 October 2019
Day 3: Active Learning Delegates - Exclusive Program
0830 - 1200
A brief report on the Institute visit of Day 2 will be followed by the NCRM NICHE delegates being invited for the Yukata Wearing Ceremony & Photography Session where they will learn how to wear a yukata (light cotton Kimono - The traditional dress of Japan) followed by photo session of the delegates wearing the Yukata.