NCRM NICHE is a day of commemorative events to celebrate the inaugural Anniversary of Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine, conducted every year in the month of October.
Inaugurated on 24th of September 2005, NCRM's First Anniversary was held in 2006 with the introduction of the Fujio Cup Quiz and symposium. The successive years saw consecutive anniversary celebrations. The event christened as “NCRM NICHE” in 2008, the III Anniversary, with the addition of a Plenary & IIDIAS session has stayed and has carved a niche in the specialty of regenerative Medicine.
NCRM NICHE was a National event until 2016, held in Chennai, India. From the XII NCRM NICHE in 2017 it is conducted in Tokyo, Japan as an International event under the sole organizing responsibility of M/s GN Corporation, Japan based on a licensing arrangement with NCRM.
NCRM NICHE provides a platform that augments the interaction of scientists and clinicians. It enables them to exchange ideas in order to arrive at synergies while working towards a common goal of discovering clinically applicable solutions for diseases without a definitive treatment to yield relief to numerous patients.
This year, the NCRM NICHE 2022 is a one day event that celebrates innovation in the field of Regenerative Medicine which aims to bring forth a global reach of a novel solution forming nidus in this field.
NCRM NICHE 2022, will revolve around amplifying interaction between students and scientists, while providing an exclusive platform for researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators in this field as well. This will help in giving rise to new collaborations and discoveries in the arena of Regenerative Medicine.
The NCRM NICHE 2022 is a versatile blend of the following:
1. Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ) - The ONLY exclusive Quiz on Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine for students and scholars of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Dentistry and Medicine. Read More
2. Interactive Plenary Session- Interactive Lectures delivered by Internationally Renowned top-notch Scientists and Clinicians in the field of Regenerative Medicine. The Inter-Disciplinary Interactions and Solutions (IIDIAS), is an academic session in which an original invention(s) is presented as a prelude in brief and original interdisciplinary interactive research work based on the original invention are presented. Read More
3. Interdisciplinary Conclave