Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ) is an inter-institutional quiz established in the name of a renowned Japanese physician Dr. Fujio Takayama.
Fujio Cup Quiz (FCQ)
Who all can participate in the Quiz?
Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral (PhD) students of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Dentistry and Medicine registered in any institute which is recognized/accredited by quality assurance bodies, accreditation bodies and Ministries of Education included in the International Directory of Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), from any country that is a member state of the United Nations (UN) are eligible to participate in the Preliminary round I. Any number of teams (comprising of 2 members per team) can participate in the Preliminary round I from each Institute. Among the teams, select number of teams who are top scorers in the prelims from that Institute are only eligible to participate in the consecutive rounds. The finalists of previous years' (2006 to 2018 FCQs) and the FCQ Elite Ultimates of FCQ 2017 & 2018 cannot participate, however their institute can be represented by other students. It is to be noted that both the participants of a team need to be affiliated/be a full-time bonafide student for the entire academic year of the same Institute at the time of the NCRM NICHE 2019 (14 ~ 16 October 2019) event.
Is there an age criteria for participation in the FCQ 2019?
It is mandatory that those Participants who are born between 1st of January 1987 and 31st of December 1999, both days inclusive are only eligible for participating in the FCQ 2019.
How many rounds does the FCQ 2019 has?
The FCQ 2019 will have four rounds of quizzing.
- Prelims I – Online prelims. Participants should register as a team to participate in the prelims I. Further instructions on attending the prelims I will be provided during the registration process.
- Prelims II- Online prelims for participants selected from Prelims I
- Pre-Final Round- Live Event - On site: For Participants selected from Prelims II
- Final Round- Live Event - On site: For Participants selected from Pre-Final Round
Does FCQ participants need to pay a registration fee?
There is no enrollment fee to register and participate in the Prelims I of FCQ 2019.
Click here to view the important dates and deadlines of the event
Kindly be informed that the registrations for the various events of NCRM NICHE 2019 may be closed before the stipulated deadlines if the registrations exceed the anticipated capacity.
What will the winners of the FCQ get?
1. The WINNING team of quiz will get a cash prize.
2. The institute to which the winning team of quiz belongs to will be awarded with the Prestigious "Fujio Cup" (Rolling Trophy) which will be with them at their Institution for one year and be surrendered back before the next year's quiz.
3 . The 1st Runner-Up team will also get a cash prize.
What are the subjects covered for Quiz?
Basics and essentials of (i) History and development of stem cells / Regenerative Medicine, (ii) Cell Biology, (iii) Molecular Biology, (iv) Stem Cells pre-clinical and clinical applications / Cell therapeutics, (v) Immunology, (vi) Cancer biology, (vii) Developmental biology, (viii) Ethics, (ix) Nanotechnology, (x) Genetics, (xi) Space Age Cell Culture, (xii) Immune-cell therapy for Cancer &( xiii) Cancer stem cells