Plenary Lecture I
Prof. Jurgen Hescheler
Head, Neurophysiology, Univ. of Cologne, Germany
Pluripotent Stem Cells for Basic Research and Later Clinical Application
Plenary Lecture II
Prof. Takahiro Ochiya
Head, Molecular & Cellular Medicine, National Cancer Centre, Tokyo, Japan
Chemically induced liver progenitors (CLiPS); A small molecule triggered
bipotency and its potentials
Dr. Hitoshi Okochi
Director, Dept. of RM, NCGM, Tokyo, Japan
Plenary Lecture III
Prof. Gary Levy
Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Immunology and Surgery, Univ. of Toronto, Canada.
Use of autologous stem cells to restore tolerance in allo and auto immune disease
Dr. Shoji Fukuda
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, NCGM, Japan